Let’s Go Round Again

Push. Crash. Burn. Rest. Repeat.

There are some patterns we just can’t change. Whether because we don’t want to or because we don’t know how.  Or at least that’s what I was planning on saying on Monday, when I was originally going to write this blog post.

You see, the week before last, I ended up in hospital every time I left the house. I passed out in the supermarket one day, another day I fell and ended up with internal bleeding (fixed by homeopathic remedies thankfully!). I was exhausted, I was pushing myself too hard, and my body just couldn’t cope. But I kept pushing, because I didn’t want to let anyone down by canceling things, because I didn’t want to be seen as weak, because I just didn’t want to admit that I can’t do everything on full speed the way I used to. My way has always been to just get on with things, no matter how tired I am or how upset I am or how much pain I’m in. Pushing through is what I do.

And usually, despite the hospital visits, I would have just kept on going. I would have carried on carrying on until I literally didn’t have a choice but to stop. Which really isn’t the cleverest thing to do as then I would have been down for a long time recovering, defeating the point somewhat. And I know this. I know all the things I should do, I tell my clients these things, yet I fail to apply them to myself. Is that because I’m arrogant? No. It’s because I’m scared that if I stop, that will be it, I won’t get started again. And it is because I have always had to be strong and man up and just survive the best I could.

But things have changed wihtout me noticing, my life is a bit different now. I have people who care enough about me that they see that I’m struggling and they encourage me to stop. There are people that I know, if I needed something, would help. And there are people who would kick my ass if they thought I wasn’t going to get started again. In essence, it’s not just me in this little world of mine anymore.

So, instead I took a week off, worked from home, looked after myself, slept more than I’ve ever slept, ate good food, cuddled the cat and remembered to take all my remedies and supplements. The result? I feel better than I have done in a long time and ready to face the next few weeks. And believe me, that is a massive relief.

Does that mean I’m going to stop pushing myself? Probably not in honesty, I’m an Aries after all! But if I balance that with knowing when to stop, when to retreat into my own space for awhile, and putting my body’s needs first rather than last, I’m hoping I won’t keep getting to the crash stage before I stop. Because it’s actually not a weakness to stop before that point. I don’t actually have anything to prove. Everybody needs down time some times, everybody needs to reassess and take care of themselves. It’s not a bad thing.

And the truth is, everything changes eventually, whether you want it to or not. It’s better to be in control of that change than have it thrust upon you.

Published in: on March 20, 2011 at 6:05 pm  Comments (4)  

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4 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Yahoooo! You took some advice from the Twitter massive (and probably a whole load of 4Ners that love you to bits too) and now you’re feeling better!

    You see Callie, YOU are your biggest advert. You have to care of yourself before you can take care of others.

    I’m so, so glad that you slowed down and looked after number one for once – It’s not rocket science, it’s not a weakness, it’s just good old common sense. A vital instinct that good old mother nature gave us along with those wonderful herbal remedies that you take. Looks like when they’re used together, they’re definately FTW.

    V x

  2. Hi Callie, I am so sorry to hear how you have been pushing yourself so hard lately, I didn’t realise, although I have been following you on Twitter.
    So glad then that you took some time off and now feeling so much better!
    It is true that sometimes we are our own worst enemy, as people that look after others, we do forget to look after ourselves, or we think that we are indestructible, which sadly we are not!
    I am often reminding my clients that we have to treat ourselves as we would treat a best friend, and the look of amazement on their faces says it all – “oh no I don’t look after myself, I am too busy looking after everyone else”. However, it is not selfish, it is vital, as when we do look after number one we are sooooo much more able to give to others!
    So, keep taking care of yourself, don’t push yourself all the time, listen to your body and do what it tells you, if you have to cancel or postpone something, people rarely mind half as much as we think they will – and often something good comes out of it as well – I have found this!
    And if you would like to find some extra time, I am having some fab results with my clients who are going through my Save 10 Hours A Week programme!
    Take care,

  3. I’m so glad you’re feeling better. Now you know that if you do stop, you CAN start again – so you can do it again if those warning signs start. And you’d better, or else you’ll have me to deal with missy! 🙂 x

  4. Wise words missie! Not in the same league as you at all but I was burnt out by Friday this week – a weekend of sleep, fresh air & exercise, fun with my family & no pressure has got me back on track.

    You are so right – its not a weakness to admit when we need to stop for a while – in fact I’d say it’s strength to recognise when we need to do just that.

    Love from one of the people who will nag you to stop & kick your butt to get going again!! xxx

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