An Epilogue

I thought I had better write a short post after the overwhelming response I received to my last one – Nine Lives Live For Ten. As well as the beautiful comments written on the blog itself I was also inundated with tweets. I wasn’t expecting that, so thank you guys. It’s amazing to see how many of you care and are with me on this journey.

To clarify, I’m not giving up. It’s not in my nature. As tough as the world seems at times I try to hold onto the beauty in it. The hope in it. The kindness and love in it. The fact that tomorrow is always another day and you never know what it will bring.

I just need to rethink, regroup, refocus. Plan my way through the latest challenges so that I stand the best chance of a future that I can be proud of. However long that future may be.

My goal in this life has never been ‘how much stuff can I accumulate’ (although I do like a good shiny thing as much as the next person!) it has always been ‘how can I use this to help others’ and that’s where my focus needs to be right now. Creating something that can carry on long after I’m no longer here.

But have no fear, you definitely don’t get rid of me that easily!

Published in: on June 29, 2011 at 10:15 am  Comments (2)  

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2 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. The universe is sending a Mimo, it will be with you shortly. xxx

  2. Neil, not sure a Mimo is the Universe’s way of helping or hindering 😉 (only joking Mike before you send me a dogpoo through the post!)

    Callie, glad to hear it 🙂 I have a shiny thing here you can have it you like. It’s called a hug.

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